Thursday, July 9, 2015

Use Laptop As WiFi Hot Spot Device

Simply by creating .bat files, one can make their laptop as WiFi hot spot devices.

To start sharing internet in one's laptop, first create start_hs.bat  file to enable the hot spot. To create  .bat file, open new Text File and write the code shown below. Here, the SSID and the key are the user's own choice. Save the text file as .bat shown below.

Start_hs.bat file
Similarly to stop sharing one has to create stop_hs.bat file same as start_hs.bat which is shown below.
The .bat files look like windows batch files as shown below
Windows batch files

So after creating batch files, one can start sharing their internet by opening the start_hs file. Who so ever wants to use this hotspot will have to enter the key to start using the shared device internet. And, vice-versa for stopping.

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