Saturday, July 11, 2015

HD-1 "ACONITE (Aconitum Napellus)"

Aconite is one of the greatest and most often used remedies in Homoeopathy. Febrigenic(fever producing) properties associated with restlessness and fever, full hard pulse, hot and dry skin, and coated tongue, with thirst, headache and sleeplessness, were seen on healthy persons by proving this drug.

Aconite is a remedy which acts antiphlogistically(Anything which reduces inflammation) in the beginning of all congestions and inflammations and antipyretically in the early stages of many fevers with an acute onset. There is scarcely any acute disease in which it is not indicated. The characteristics are full hard rapid pulse with hot dry skin, thirst for cold water; scanty high colored urine, anxiety, fear and restlessness. 

Aconite is good for the early stages of most ailments brought on by exposure to dry cold air and sudden suppression of perspiration, e.g hoarseness of voice, cough, bronchitis, diarrhoea.

The type of fevers for which Aconite is indicated is called athenic or synochal fevers. i.e fevers in which the patient does not feel weakness or asthenia.

In injuries by accidents as a fall from a tree, blows by blunt instruments etc., the treatment is better to begun with 2 doses of Aconite 3x at intervals of 10 minutes. This will counteract the shock and the evil effect of the fright, and allay the excitement and the turbulent state of mind, this paving the way for the better action of Arnica. Aconite is almost a specific in the congestive forms of facial neuralgia. it is a comforting remedy for tootache.

It is used in dry cough and affections marked by pain with aggravation of most symptoms towards evening. 

DOSE: use 2 or 3 pills ,or 1 or 2 drops of 3x, 6x, 3c or 30 c potency(power or efficacy) every 10 or 15 minutes for 1 or 2 hours, and then discontinue its use. If further indicated, use 2 or 3 pills or 1 or 2 drops of the 30th potency every 3 or 4 hours, but don't use Aconite further, if no relief of symptoms is noted within the first 24 hours of its use. In case of children, we generally give only one pill for a dose, but does not matter much whether we give even more. A drop of tincture of 3x, 6x, 3c or 30 c can be dissolved in an ounce of pure water and a teaspoon of it can be used.

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