Friday, August 7, 2015

HD-2 """ARNICA"""(Leopard's Bane)

A tincture is prepared either from the root or from the whole plant including the flowers. An insect sits on flowers and lays eggs there, which have peculiar irritating effect on skin. Hence it is better to prepare the tincture from the root alone.

The key activity of ARNICA is on the muscular system, and  here it generates conditions similar to those resulting from blows, injuries and falls.

Taking lead of the law of similars, it is therefore used internally and externally in injuries like contusions,sprains and strains resulting from falls or blows. All remote effects of exertion or injury are also amenable to its treatment. After-pains of labor, haemoptysis, bruised sore feeling all over the body with extreme weakness, and hemorrhage resulting from injuries are all benefited by arnica.

Other diseases to which it can be used are:

  •  Gastric pain immediately after taking food, in weak patients suffering from myalgic pain in other parts. 
  • Contractile pains of stomach with flatulent distensions & hiccough, extreme hunger with no desire of food.
  • Eructations tasting and smelling like rotten eggs.
  • Whooping cough, if the child cries the moment when the cough begins.
  • Sore throat induced b loud speaking.
For small but very painful boils which come in crops, especially on the fore head or the head Arnica is a very good remedy. Arnica is good for coughs from cardiac affections, cough at night and during sleep without awakening the patient.

Let me conclude this by stating that the greatest use of Arnica homoeopathically is as internal remedy for results of trauma or mechanical injuries, recent or remote. Weakness, weariness and a bruised sore  feeling over the whole body after a severe injury are better relieved by a dose or 2 of 'Arnica' than by injection of morphia.

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