Monday, June 29, 2015

Fix Bugs While Uninstalling "Google Chrome"

To uninstall "Google Chrome" in Windows 7,64-bit,  the General method  is 

  • Go to Control Panel
  • Click on Programs
  • In Programs and features, click Uninstall a program
  • Choose Google chrome and click Uninstall 
If the bug like "Please close all Google Chrome windows and try again" occurs then,

  • Background running apps of chrome must be closed by using the following steps
  1. Open the Google Chrome browser and in the options Tab, open  "Settings"  .
  2. Under the System, two check boxes are present. Uncheck "continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed". 
  • Close chrome browser
Dialog from browser



Now try once again to "uninstall Google Chrome ".  If it doesn't work 
  •  check for malware in your system.
  •  Download and install unlocker  in your system.
Now try to uninstall chrome again. Hope this time you may not get the dialog shown above.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

"Similia Similibus Curenture" elucidation.

Homoeopathy is a system of medicine devised in the rule 'Similia Similibus Curenture" elucidates 'Let likes be treated by likes'. The inventor of this new system was Samuel Hahnemann, a great allopathic doctor who lived in Germany from 1755-1843. Many might have read that he was a great author, and will have curiosity to know ,how he was led to this discovery. 

Samuel Hahnemann-1841 

  • one of the dazzling discern , as it appeared to him, was treatment of malarial fevers with Cinchona bark.
  • While Hahnemann was translating an Allopathic Materia medica into German, he came across a portion which dealt with the febrifuge properties of Cinchona. He thought that Cinchona was a specific for precised type of intermittent fever viz. Malaria, he was not at all able to agree with Dr.Cullen , the author, who explained that cinchona bark possessed certain febrifuge properties, as it was the most aromatic and bitter material known. 
  • Hahnemann called this theory preposterous, as there are many substances known in the vegetable kingdom which are bitter or aromatic as Cinchona, but none of them has any curative action on fevers.He knew too that for exciting a kind of fever substances such as very strong coffee, Arnica, Pepper, Ignatia and Arsenic are capable, could quench some type of fevers. He became anxious therefore to discover other more actual reason s for the febrifuge action of Cinchona, his mind could not relax until he was contented.

  • (EXPERIMENT)It transpired to him one night to  attempt  the effect of Cinchona bark in health.So he determined to experiment on his own person. Early in the morning he went to the market place, got some Cinchona bark, prepared a tincture with it and then supervised it to himself, 4 drams twice a day. Within a few days he developed in himself almost all the old symptoms having a marked similarity to cases of intermittent fevers, which were cured b him by the same drug, while he was practicing allopathy. The paroxysms lasted each time two or three hours only and appeared afresh whenever the dose was repeated. With the cessation of the dose, he regained his normal health.

  • In 1796 after six year's experiment in this manner with several drugs on himself and his friends, his view on the remedial action of drugs had taken definite shape and he said that every powerful medicinal substance is capable of producing in a healthy human body a peculiar set of disease symptoms, and that every one of them is also capable of curing in the sick the symptoms which are similar to those that it can produce in the body in its health condition. Thus hahnemann discovered and promulgated the Law of Similars, "Similia Similibus Curentur" and named the new system  as Homoeopathy. Homoi means similar and pathos means affection.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Ayyappa temple at Sabarimala is one of the famous  temples of Kerala where people come from various states across India.The temple is situated on the hill top, named Sabarimala in Pathannamthitta district surrounded by mountains and dense forest.

View of Sabarimala

To reach the famous Ayyappa temple at Sabarimala, the nearest railway station is Chengannur, which is around 93kms from Pamba. KSRTC provides bus facilities from Chengannur to Pamba, during the opening days of the temple. while on the way to Pamba, since the area is plastic-free zone, we can see the beauty of Poomkavanam forest, without any plastic material thrown here and there. 

on the way to Pamba

Hault on the way to Pamba from Chengannur

Taking a holy dip in the sacred river Pamba, where Lord Ayyappan appeared to the pandalam raja as a child on the banks of the river, known as southern Ganga, washes away the sins. Immersing in the Pamba is equivalent to bathing in the Ganga river.

River Pamba before crossing the bridge

River Pamba after crossing the bridge

Sign Board at Pamba

Pandalam Raja Temple

Before commencing the trek through the forest to the Ayyapan temple atop Sabarimala, pilgrims will have the darshan of Lord MahaGanapathi. This temple is situated on the way to Sannidhanam . In addition to mahaganapathy,  nagarajavu, parvathi devi, adimoola ganapathi, hanuman swami, and bhagavan sri rama idols are present in small temples, seperately, for each diety. The modakam(prasadam made of rice) can be purchased from the counter near the Ganapathy temple.

MahaGanapathy Temple

Only males,menopause females beyond 50 years of age and little girls below 10 years of age, irrespective of religion or nationality, are allowed to visit the Ayyapan temple. As Ayyappan is a yogi, these restrictions are strictly observed in the temple. Here, the journey starts to the main temple.

Tramp path

Sabarimala forest

On the way to Sabarimala via foot path, health centers at various places are arranged by Kerala Government,  for the pilgrims ascending the steep Neelimala and Appachimedu hills, along the Swami Ayyappan Road.

Govt.cardiology center 

Foot slog 

Natures view from sabarimala
After reaching  Sabarimala, we can see many Government dispensaries like Homeo, Ayurvedic ,etc.

Govt. Homeo Dispensary

Govt. Ayurveda Dispensary
To enter the temple complex at Sabarimalia, devotiees have to climb Pathinettampadi(18 steps). Pathinettampadi to the sanctum is divine in all aspects. we can see Kaduthaswamay and Karuppaswamy standing at the bottom of Pathinettampadi, who are the guardians of the Sannidhanam. They are dwarapalakas  and safeguard the piligrims from the dark spirits, and to reach the Sannidhanam safely. Only piligrims with IRUMUDI are allowed via Pathinettampadi. For others, who come without deeksha another gateway is provided. We went through this gate.

 We had a nijarupa darshanam of Lord Ayypan, where the idol made of panchaloha is about one and half feet tall, sitting in yogic posture.

 We have taken accommodation  for that day and taken rest, and while returning back, once again we had the darshan of the Lord Ayyapa with flowers alankaram.

Sabarimala Temple

Temple at sayam sandya

Archakas will provide the sandal (gandham) prasadamn to devotees after darshan. Appam, Aravana , vibhudi & kumkuma  can be purchased at the counters provided by Devastanam near Sannidhanam.

Return path way to pamba in other route

Returned to pamba in another route where 2 kms is the same route. From there, we had to go through the subway. This is a road path, full of electric lights and the piligrims can travel even in the nights without fear. We can listen to the melodious chirping sounds of the birds and rustling sounds of forest tree leaves. We can see Lord Ayyapan on the sign boards erected by the forest department.

sign board

once again, we had the darshan of Lord Ganesha, thanked him for arranging the darshan of Lord Ayyapa and prayed for a happy return journey. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

warming up your system brightness using f.lux

f.lux is  a program that adjusts the system display according to the location, time, zip-code or the city name.


f.lux can be downloaded from

          It can  be downloaded for all types of operating systems like windows, Linux, MAC etc.

         To utilize this feature on i-phones, jailbreak is to be done. Further, developers are working to make possible, implementation of the f.lux on the Android Operating Systems.

         f.lux adjusts the results to take certain external factors into account, like, the color of the monitor and the time of the day. 


         Candle,tungsten,halogen,florescent and daylight are the various colors provided by the software, while watching movies in the "movie mode", also provided by the f.lux, is so much better and safe for the human eye. One can opt for the mode in the settings. This reduces the color and the brightness of the featured film that's being watched.

   Due to an immense contrast in the brightness for an extensively long period of time, eyes get badly effected, for, the human eye is highly sensitive and tends to become fragile. The f.lux soothes your eyes and makes you sleep way better. It helps you retain your energy during the day. 

 This application assists your eyes and makes you feel good in the head while you work for a long time over the system. The f.lux thus, helps evade eyestrain and headache.